Tagged: Government


Kabbalah, crop circles, and UFOs

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Kabbalah, crop circles, and UFOs: what’s their connection?   by TIMOTHY FITZPATRICK on MAY 5, 2013  •  PERMALINK There are conspiracy theories aplenty related to phenomena like unidentified flying objects, the alleged existence of extraterrestrial beings, and crop circles. But...


Hyperinflation To Start in 2015: Economist Says Get Supplies : “Gold, Silver, Canned Goods, Toilet Paper, Bottled Water…”

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Hyperinflation To Start in 2015: Economist Says Get Supplies : “Gold, Silver, Canned Goods, Toilet Paper, Bottled Water…” Mac Slavo SHTFplan.com February 20, 2015 It’s impossible to predict when and how our economy will...


What is a Republic? Understanding the American form of government.

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Are FEMA Camps Real And What Are Their Intentions?

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     Who is FEMA, DHS, and what are they for? So, what exactly are FEMA Camps? FEMA, or The Federal Emergency Management Agency (1), is a government agency whom is supposed to be...