Atheists for… Islam?

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Sometimes a single picture is enough to put the left’s folly in crystal clear terms and we have one for you today.

The current crop of militant atheists have been parading about the country wailing about how the evil, evil Christians are oppressing them by having non-sectarian things like “In God We Trust” on our money or allowing a manger scene on city property. That’s some oppression, there, eh?

Well, last weekend a photo was snapped that shows exactly what militant atheists really mean behind their rhetoric. Oh, they aren’t against religion. They don’t likely think they are being oppressed, either. No their real goal is rather simple. They are enemies of Christianity exclusively.

Today’s militant atheists aren’t looking for “equality” or “fair treatment.” They only want one thing: the destruction of Christianity. The total elimination of it in public.

Why do I say that? Witness the photo below snapped at the March 6th “I Am A Muslim Too” rally held at Times Square, New York, organized by rap music mogul Russell Simmons.


This is a stark contradiction in terms, is it not? Atheists are spending every waking minute telling anyone that will listen that religion is the root of all evil — and by that they mean Christianity — yet here they are helping to support Islam at an “interfaith” rally?

How does that track? How does it make any sense at all?

Isn’t Islam just as “dangerous” to the world as Christianity in these Atheist’s minds? It has to be for them to be consistent.

Yet, again. Here they are. Supporting a religion.

Ah, but what is the main difference here? Isn’t it obvious? Islam is the PC favored ideology, the one the far left has invested its energies into protecting and militant atheists have joined the left’s gambit in the hopes that Christianity can be further undermined. Because, after all, militant atheists have only one enemy: Christianity.

So, in the final analysis, there is no contradiction in militant atheists supporting religious Muslims. After all, religion is not their target, Christianity is. In the end the only conclusions we can draw from this is that militant atheists are either blatant hypocrites or simply trying to hide their true purpose.

Written by – Warner Todd Huston
For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.


Melmac is a writer and admin for Epiphany of Truth.

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1 Response

  1. I will admit to being an atheist and islamaphobe and proud of both. I don t make concessions to any religions and I offer no apologies. When I see all the religions of the world confirm that atheism is valid and those who adhere to it are safe and unpersecuted then i will maybe cut them some slack. This kid may feel persecuted and stereotyped but that is the burden we atheists have had to bear for thousands of years without any end in sight.

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